1     /**
2         The base class for all elements that appear in the game.
3         @author <a href="mailto:matthewcasperson@gmail.com">Matthew Casperson</a>
4         @class
5     */
6     function VisualGameObject()
7     {
8         /**
9             The image that will be displayed by this object
10            @type Image
11        */
12        this.image = null;
14        /**
15            Draws this element to the back buffer
16            @param dt Time in seconds since the last frame
17        */
18        this.draw = function(/**Number*/ dt, /**CanvasRenderingContext2D*/ context, /**Number*/ xScroll, /**Number*/ yScroll)
19        {
20            context.drawImage(this.image, this.x - xScroll, this.y - yScroll);
21        }
23        /**
24            Initialises this object
25            @param image The image to be displayed
26        */
27        this.startupVisualGameObject = function(/**Image*/ image, /**Number*/ x, /**Number*/ y, /**Number*/ z)
28        {
29            this.startupGameObject(x, y, z);
30            this.image = image;
31            return this;
32        }
34        /**
35            Clean this object up
36        */
37        this.shutdownVisualGameObject = function()
38        {
39            this.shutdownGameObject();
40        }
41    }
42    VisualGameObject.prototype = new GameObject;
